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Archive for the ‘Stub Pullers’ Category

There is hardly any machine in which there are no nuts and bolts used. There are numerous tools and devices that can help one to have perfect fixing of these nuts and bolts to make the machines work with optimum efficiency. Tube pulling is not an easy task as there are tubes which are also rigid as well as delicate. To deal with all such quality tubes, one needs to have high quality tools that can ease the task of tube pulling. There are many areas where the operator does not find enough space also to operate different manual tools and at such place an automatic or hydraulic puller can be of great help. In any case the modern equipment of tube pulling is of great use.

The stub puller is a known device that can help the user at this stage. This device if used properly can be a great help to the user to remove or pull the tubes of different sizes.

stub puller

The device:

The formation and design of the device is very easy and effective. One just needs to check the size as only right size puller can be applied to right size tube for effective performance. The alloy from which the stub puller is made is of high quality and hence one can surely rely on the performance of this quality equipment. There are numerous sizes of tubes available in the market, and as per the size of the tube, the stub puller must also be available to have the right quality work.

As far as the design is concerned, it is very simple and yet much useful tool. One needs to decide first if he wants to use an automatic tool or want to go for a manual one. There are many companies in the market that offer quality tools for such industrial uses. One needs to check the quality of tube before applying the stub puller.

How to buy a perfect stub?

In this day of technologies, it is not much difficult to get a perfect stub. One can check in online stores as well as offline stores to have perfect equipment. As these tools are specific in nature, one need to check the engineering device stores only. One can also go for those stores of engineering products who sell the tools online. The selection of the tool can be made from the website and the store sends it by courier. The payment can also be made by the online method using net banking or card.

One can also check the availability of tool in the offline market. In big cities there are many stores who sell quality engineering equipment. If one can wants to have a beneficial deal it is always required to check the price of the same to more than one store whether it is through and online store or an offline one. A little check with different stores can be of great help to buyer in terms of better quality as well as reasonable rates.

To offer the best joint to various parts where load on the joint is expected, the welding is the best process. There are numerous metals where the joints are welded with the same material to provide the structure great efficiency as well as strength. With the evolution of various devices now the welding is also an easier process and one can depend on small tools that one can easily carry to different places for effective welding. There are numerous types and sizes of such tools available in the market on which one can rely.

weld prep machines

The weld prep machines are known as one of the best options for such tasks. With the help of these machines there are a number of tasks which have been easier by the operators and the quality of the task is also seriously improved. There are numerous designs and capacity of the weld prep machines that one can check in the market before going for a particular machine. These machines are much useful to finish the task with high quality where the structure needs to bear heavy load and withstand in all the seasons against all odds.

The device:

This device has some really wonderful features that can help the operator to get the job done perfectly. There are many prep machines that can self center while going for boring. They can also use this feature externally. These machines are available with compound, double and single angles. They can also match with diameter transition on outside as well as mounted. There are numerous brands available in the market out of which some are also known as market leaders because of their high quality products. These machines are highly useful in heavy industry such as metal, fabrication and rolling mills. One can see the heavy duty machines performing their task easily only if these devices are made of quality material. Hence while going for purchase of product one must check the quality also.

Buy the best:

To get the right machine, one can check it with online store or a retail store in a nearby area. There are many stores who specially sell engineering products. One can visit the store and check the quality of the machine as well as match the specifications with his requirement. One can also check the guarantee and warranty of the product. In the online store also one can check the availability of such machines with numerous engineering stores with just a single click on the search engine. These stores have displayed the machines on their website and also provided complete information in the form of description. One can read the same and decide if one would like to go for it. To place an order with the store and make the payment is also very simple. One can either use a debit or credit card. Or can also go for payment through net banking. The store also ships the machine via a quality courier service. Hence to get a machine in these days is not that difficult also.

Tube or stub removal operations are quite popular in the devices like heat exchangers, condensers and such other types, as a part of their maintenance. The evolution of stub pullers has put an end to orthodox methods which are rather expensive, time consuming and requires higher skills in comparison to stub pullers. Here under, we detail you all about these devices.

Desirable Features:

Check out for the following features while purchasing stub pullers.

  • The operation has to be simple and the design must be robust.
  • Its operation shouldn’t call for a high degree of skills.
  • A pump of high pressure (in case of hydraulic devices).
  • The design has to be compact and lighter in weight.
  • A single operator should be capable of controlling the device.


Auto stub puller:

  • Ferrous and non ferrous tubes can be removed with ease by employing these devices.
  • They are widely used in heat exchangers and condensers.
  • A single operation can perform gripping and pulling.
  • The operator effort decreases as the tube is auto ejected after removal.
  • Despite being a lot quicker, it causes least damage to the tubes removed.


Pneumatic or hydraulic stub pullers:

In this type of stub pullers, air or hydraulic energy provides the necessary force to carry out the operation. A few of its features are listed below:

  • Their design is extremely compact and lighter in weight.
  • They are very compact and so, can be used effectively in confined areas.
  • It is highly preferable to operate these stub pullers in explosive environments.


  • The spear is threaded into the required adapter.
  • The spear is directed into the tube to be removed with the help of an impact or hand wrench.
  • A double acting ram unit is placed over the spear and flushed.
  • The safety shield is lifted up and a horseshoe lock is placed in the groove of the adapter.
  • The safety shield is replaced in its working position and pressure is applied.
  • This applied pressure pulls the tube and it is removed by the ram.

Safety Precautions:

  • Before operating the device, the operator must be familiar with the instruction manual.
  • Equip with safety gadgets like glasses, gloves, shoe etc.
  • In case of hydraulic machines, there is a possibility of oil leakage from the hose and ram connections. The leaked oil must be cleaned immediately to avoid slippery action.
  • Ensure that all the hydraulic and pneumatic connections are tight enough to carry out the operation.
  • The apparatus has to be inspected periodically and checked for damaged or worn out parts. If necessary, they have to be replaced.
  • Lubricate the moving parts regularly to ensure durability.


A few tools as follows are most widely used in the operation of stub pullers.

  • Flaring tool
  • Beading tool
  • Belling tool
