Powermaster – Manufacturers of Tube Tools, Bolting Tools and Spring Balancers

Basic Concepts of Torque Tightening

Posted on: July 8, 2019


Torque Tightening

It is basically a process which involves the application of preload to a fastener by turning the fastener’s nut. Friction points need to be lubricated while using this method. And bolt tightening torque or bolt torquing is the process of applying turning force torque to the nut or flanges or joint by applying predetermined torque bolt load. And standard bolt tightening torque is something that gets calculated.

Torque Tightening and Preload

Generally the amount of preload created when torquing is largely dependent on the effects caused by friction.

Here are the three different torque components.

  1. Torque to stretch the bolt.
  2. Torque to overcome friction in bolt and nut threads.
  3. Torque to overcome friction at the nut spot face.

How does Lubricant reduce Friction?

The prime purpose of a lubricant is to reduce the work during tightening. Lubricants reduce the chance of bolt failure during installation and increase the shelf life of a bolt service. And the variations in friction coefficients directly affect the amount of preload which is achieved at a specified torque. The house the friction result, the less will be the conversion of torque to preload. The value for the friction coefficient which is provided by the lubricant manufacturer must be known people so that they can accurately establish the required torque value.

Lubricant or anti-seizure compounds need to be applied to both the nut bearing surface and the male threads for better results. Hence, to avoid any kind of friction and to increase the life of material you should definitely use lubricants. Lubricants have several other benefits as well. They make the material stronger, allow them to work smoothly, make them smoother and shinier as well. So, next time whenever you use any material for torque tightening or anything don’t forget to buy lubricants because they are really helpful and beneficial. You can buy them online as well.

What is torque procedure? How it works?

During torquing people generally prefer to tighten only one bolt at a time, but it can result in Point Loading and Load Scatter. And to avoid this you or anyone can make sure that the torque is applied in stages by following a particular pattern:

Step 1: First of all try to do spanner tightening but only by ensuring that 2-3 threads extend above nut.

Step 2: And then try to tighten each and every bolt to one-third of the final required torque, which would follow a particular pattern.

Step 3: Try to increase the torque to two-thirds by following a pattern.

Step 4: And then increase the torque to full torque that too by following the particular pattern.

Step 5:  And lastly, perform one final pass on every bolt working clockwise from bolt 1, to the final full torque.

So, this is how it works and the purpose of standard bolt tightening of torque. If you wish to buy lubricants or any materials that are used for torque tightening. You can buy them online as well. You can search online sites they sell these items at a cheaper price as compared to the market price.


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