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Teaching teens the importance of car maintenance

Posted on: December 18, 2014

Most of the teens have a dream of getting car driving license and getting behind the wheel. It sounds very exciting to them to hit the open road, enjoy the speed and share the experience with their friends. It is good to get a driving license, but many teens do not realize that with a driving license, there are also many responsibilities associated with owning a car. Teens must be taught the importance of keeping their car in good running conditions and some basics of how to maintain the best condition of their cars.


Teach them the importance of routine maintenance

Most of the seasoned drivers know that it is very important to carry out regular maintenance of their cars, and for that, they must be taken to a workshop or a garage. The teens should know that they must keep a check on the fluid levels of their car such as gear oil, clutch fluids, brake oils, engine oil etc. They must know when they must change the fluids of their car. Different models of cars have a different routine for maintenance and teens should understand and know the maintenance routine of their own car. This can save their and their car’s life.

Maintaining fuel levels

Cars run on petrol or diesel, and without them, you cannot run them for even an inch. If you try to run a car on low fuel levels, and when the fuel tank gets empty, it can cause severe damage to the vehicle, which will cost you in thousands in repairs. Teach the teens how important it is to maintain fuel levels to prevent any unwanted situation and keep your car healthy and working.

Recognizing the odd noises and dashboard signals

If there is something wrong with your car, it will definitely be on your dashboard or your car will make an odd noise. You must pay attention to the warning signs displayed by the car‘s dashboard and the noises produced by your vehicle. If teens learn that, they can save their car as they can get it repaired before a severe damage could happen to the car. Any odd noises and warning lights are not to be ignored.

Using the basic tools

When teens hit the road, they must have the basic knowledge of how to use some of the basic tools for small repairs in the car. He must know how to put a car jack on a car. He must be taught to use torque wrenches, screw drivers, etc. This will help him in handling situations like tyre puncture or any other minor problems. It would be best to keep some of the spare parts in the car such as a spare tire.

Getting a driving license is a big accomplishment for a teen, no doubt, but he also must understand obtaining a license alone is not enough. He must have some basic knowledge of his vehicle and its maintenance.

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