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Four basic maintenance and care tips for car owners

Posted on: December 17, 2014

Buying and owning a car feels wonderful and easy. It helps you to be your own boss when it comes to travelling in the city. You don’t need to be dependent on the public transport or your friends for a lift. Owning a car is not just sufficient, but you also need to take care of your car if you want that your car takes care of your need. If you ignore the need for regular maintenance for your car, you might have to regret this later when your car breaks down in the middle of the way. If you want to enjoy the benefits of your car for a long time, you must follow these maintenance tips to ensure that you car keeps operating at its maximum capacity.


Regular tune-ups

You must take your car to a garage once a month for a regular tine up. If you can do it yourself, you should do it at home, but you must tune up your car at least once a month. This will save a lot of money for you. A perfectly tuned up car consumes at least 30 percent lesser fuel than a poorly tuned-up car.

Check your fluids

You must check the levels of fluids of your car in at least once a week. These fluids include brake oil, engine oil, engine coolant, Gear oil, etc. You also must check the electrolyte level of the car batteries every week. If the levels of fluids in your car run low, you might put yourself in danger, and it is also very bad for your car’s life. If the water level of the battery goes lower than required, it will dramatically shorten the life of the battery. If your clutch and break oils are running low, you are putting your life in danger. You must check them regularly and make sure that they retain the right amount and viscosity for better function of your car.

Check the tire pressure regularly

Checking the air pressure in the tyres of your car is important as it is directly related to your car’s performance and efficiency. Every less pound of pressure costs you at least four percent of decrease in your car’s fuel efficiency. Low pressure can cause drag which lead to lower efficiency.

Keep a basic tool kit with you

When driving your car, you must keep a basic tool kit along with you so that you could tackle the situations like Tyre puncture, etc. The tool kits in a car include some screw drivers, a car screw jack, a torque wrench and some nuts and bolts. You must have a spare Tyre with you so that you could change it if a Tyre of your car gets puncture in the middle of the road.

Following these tips will keep you and your car safe for long time.

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